I was so Excited to see my Dad! He travels alot and we hadn't all seen him since March! My Sis came down with Tevin and the kids had a ball with Grandpa!
Brooklyn wasn't to sure at first...But warmed up Real quick! She is a Grandpa's girl just like the Rest Now!
The kids couldn't keep their hands off of him! Too Funny!
Grandpa won Brooklyn over with lots of Treats at Craigo's! SPOILED Rotten!
The Three Amigo's..They are Hilarious all together!
It was so Fun to be with my Dad and the kids loved being with Grandpa...Even though it was a Short time! We Loved it! Kaylie was so upset the next day when she came home from school and her Grandpa was not their! So DAD you are wanted alot more often! Love you Dad..Thanks for coming and seeing us and You are Truly missed!