Saturday, December 5, 2009

IT's the MoSt WonDerFuL TiMe of ThE YEAR!

I am SO in LOVE with this Time of Year! I could Do without the COLD weather BUT I TRULY Enjoy the LOVE & Laughter that comes when kids play in a WARM snuggly house!

Brooklyn & Ashlyn LOVE to cuddle & play Hide N Seek under the Covers...CUTENESS!

Of course Little Miss Thang Gives me this Sassy look when I take her Picture...Little Bug!

We had Johnny & Cherie over for the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend...and the Girls just LOVED all over Little Handsome Porter!

This Pic makes me SMILE..Poor little Guy..I think he had enough of Brooklyn trying to Snuggle all over him! Too FUNNY!

Cherie & I @ New Moon

My LOVE & Joys....I Adore my Girlies & We have so Much FUN Dancin around this Time of YEAR to Christmas Music! I TRULY Love being a MoM!

Cant wait for More Fun Holiday Moments to Share very Soon! Enjoy being with your Kiddos even when they Pull all the Ornaments off the tree or want your attention all day long! Laugh, Play & be a Kid with them! Remember that Time Flies & Soon they will be all grown up! I know I am such a Boob..But that thought makes me sad! Joy in the JOURNEY!


Jen Gray said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures sissy! You are such a hot momma! I am SO gunna miss you and ur fam this Christmas, it will be different without being so close to you! Love you SO much and kiss those beautiful girleys for me!!

Shelley said...

This time of year is the best! You look pretty in purple. Your hair looks good too, I like the color. I wish we had some snow. Love you!